I don’t think that in the history of wars there was an army which would fully consciously, from the very first moments of its founding, during its march through half the world and eventually during the combat action, organise and lead another, entirely different campaign (educational). In its programme, a significant meaning was ascribed to an element which always constituted an important subject for 2nd corps’ authorities – artistic education within the field of fine arts, as well as enabling, as much as wartime would allow, unhampered and individual development of artistic talents.
I don’t think that in the history of wars there was an army which would fully consciously, from the very first moments of its founding, during its march through half the world and eventually during the combat action, organise and lead another, entirely different campaign (educational). In its programme, a significant meaning was ascribed to an element which always constituted an important subject for 2nd corps’ authorities – artistic education within the field of fine arts, as well as enabling, as much as wartime would allow, unhampered and individual development of artistic talents.
I don’t think that in the history of wars there was an army which would fully consciously, from the very first moments of its founding, during its march through half the world and eventually during the combat action, organise and lead another, entirely different campaign (educational). In its programme, a significant meaning was ascribed to an element which always constituted an important subject for 2nd corps’ authorities – artistic education within the field of fine arts, as well as enabling, as much as wartime would allow, unhampered and individual development of artistic talents.
I don’t think that in the history of wars there was an army which would fully consciously, from the very first moments of its founding, during its march through half the world and eventually during the combat action, organise and lead another, entirely different campaign (educational). In its programme, a significant meaning was ascribed to an element which always constituted an important subject for 2nd corps’ authorities – artistic education within the field of fine arts, as well as enabling, as much as wartime would allow, unhampered and individual development of artistic talents.
I don’t think that in the history of wars there was an army which would fully consciously, from the very first moments of its founding, during its march through half the world and eventually during the combat action, organise and lead another, entirely different campaign (educational). In its programme, a significant meaning was ascribed to an element which always constituted an important subject for 2nd corps’ authorities – artistic education within the field of fine arts, as well as enabling, as much as wartime would allow, unhampered and individual development of artistic talents.
Częścią programu realizowanego przez Towarzystwo Projektów Edukacyjnych "Artyścia Andersa", mającego na celu przywrócenie pamięci o wymazanych przez włodarzy PRL z polskiej kultury wybitnych artystów tworzących na emigracji, jest wystawa. Na kilkunastu planszach prezentowana jest historia wojennych i powojennych losów żołnierzy 2 korpusu.
Dzięki współpracy z Polską Fundacją Kulturalną w Londynie 17.02.2018r. odbyło się otwarcie wystawy w Polskim Ośrodku Społeczno - Kulturalnym (POSK) w Londynie. Zgromadzeni goście mogli wysłuchać prelekcji prof. Jana Wiktora Sienkiewicza o losach Artystów Andersa, obejrzeć wystawę i oryginały prac - udostępnione z prywatnych kolekcji. Na zakończenie autor podpisywał Albumy.
Partnerem strategicznym realizowanych działań jest brytyjski fundusz inwestycyjny CVC Capitals, bez wsparcia którego nie doszło by do realizacji programu.